It’s no secret that McDonald’s food is bad for your health. Still, everyone needs a Big Mac every now and then, right?
After seeing this video from YouTubers Let’s Melt This, you might change your mind. Over the last year, they’ve melted everything from steel nails to sneakers, but what happens (or doesn’t happen) to this McDonald’s Big Mac when it’s drenched with sulfuric acid is wholly disturbing.
Read More: What This Woman Sees On Her Son’s Fried Chicken Is Beyond Disgusting
While sulfuric acid causes real food to melt into mush, it’s almost unable to penetrate this Big Mac.
Read More: 16 Fast Food Items To NEVER Order, No Matter How Delicious They Are
Well, that explains why I get a stomach ache every time I eat at McDonald’s. Excuse me while I vomit forever.