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9 Foods That Cancer Doctors Refuse To Eat — I Love #2


Our family doctors have a large amount of sway when it comes to our personal health and wellness.

They make all sorts of recommendations about what foods to steer clear of and what exercises may be helpful in maintaining a healthy, well-balanced life. But if you’ve ever tried one of those extreme diets, you’ve probably felt like you were being tortured. You might have even wondered if your own doctors practice what they preach.

Well as it turns out, at least for these oncologists, they do. Cancer doctors have revealed the nine foods that they they’ve cut out of their own diets completely, and they suggest you do the same!

1. Artificial Sweeteners

Dr. Steven G. Eisenberg, an oncologist at the California Cancer Associates for Research and Excellence, tries to avoid artificial sugar substitutes until more accurate research is conducted to determine the damaging effects sugar-like substances have on our body. While we wait for new research, he recommends using naturally-derived alternatives such as stevia.

Read More: Don’t Ever Reheat These 8 Foods In The Microwave — They Become Toxic!

2. Microwave Popcorn

Microwave popcorn is packed full of artificial butter which can contain the toxic compound diacytel. That compound has been linked to lung cancer. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency also recognizes that a known cause of cancer, perfluorooctanoic acid, is commonly found in the lining of microwave popcorn bags.

3. Artificially Colored Foods

If a food dye has a number after it, there’s almost always a reason to steer clear of the products. One particular artificial food color, Yellow #5, is derived from coal tars and has been linked to cancer and ADHD. Despite being banned all across Europe, companies such as Kelloggs still use the dyes in many of their products, including Froot Loops.

4. Processed Meats

Processed meats such as bacon, sausage, and ham are considered absolute no-nos according to the World Health Organization. Eating 50 grams of processed meat every day can increase your risk of colon cancer by nearly 18 percent. Processes like smoking, curing, or adding preservatives can create a deadly combination of nitrate compounds which are also linked to cancer.

5. Charred Meats

Grilling might be an easy way to prepare meals in the summertime, but the high temperatures of the grill could be unleashing hidden carcinogens into your food. The charcoal you use to heat your grill is also widely speculated to contain cancer-causing agents.

6. Excessive Amounts of Alcohol

Having a small glass of wine or beer with dinner might not give you cancer, but regular consumption could be setting you up for a deadly diagnosis. Numerous studies have linked major alcohol consumption to an increased risk of pancreatic, stomach, bladder, and liver cancer.

7. Bagels

Bagels may be a delicious way to start your day, but they could also be increasing your blood sugar. These doughy treats have a high glycemic index and have recently been linked to an increased cancer risk in non-hispanic people. Other foods with a high glycemic index include white bread, puffed rice, and corn flakes.

8. Trans Fats

Trans fats are often used to extend the shelf life of foods and can be found in everything from granola bars to salad dressings and a variety of chips and other snacks. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has not banned a group of trans fats that are known as Partially Hydrogenated Oils, which can increase your risk of cardiovascular disease and the possibility of cancer.

9. Farmed Salmon

While farmed salmon can be a cheaper alternative to fish caught in the wild, it also has a greater chance of containing cancer-causing contaminants. Farmed fish has nearly 16 times the amount of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) that is traditionally found in wild salmon.

Read More: Here’s Why We All Have To Stop Eating Nutella Because Life Is Full Of Suffering

(via Reader’s Digest and The Daily Meal )

They say our doctors know what’s best for us, but are you willing to give up some of your favorite foods for health and wellness? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to share with a friend.

VIA : http://www.viralnova.com

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