On the streets of Kochi, India, the owner of a popular restaurant called Pappadavada is doing something amazing. Instead of throwing perfectly good leftovers in the trash, Minu Pauline fills a refrigerator and leaves it out on the curb so that no one in her community goes hungry.
She ideated the project when she saw a woman digging through the trash for food. That’s when Pauline put her foot down and decided that people shouldn’t have to go to such drastic lengths just to feed themselves.
The refrigerator is known as the “Tree of Goodness,” and it’s fed hundreds of hungry locals since it debuted on March 23.
Posted by Pappadavada on Friday, March 25, 2016
The fridge is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and it’s always unlocked. Pauline (pictured below) writes the date on each platter to ensure that no one eats spoiled food.
Posted by Minu Pauline on Sunday, March 23, 2014
The response has been largely supportive, and compassionate community members love it so much that they leave their own donations in the Tree of Goodness every day!
Snacks from our Rack
Posted by Pappadavada on Sunday, January 11, 2015
“Money is yours, but resources belong to society,” Pauline explained to The Huffington Post. “That’s the message I want to send out. If you’re wasting your money, it’s your money, but don’t waste society’s resources. Don’t waste food.”
If you’ve ever worked in a restaurant, you know how much food gets thrown away. It’s tragic, and that’s why restauranteurs like Minu Pauline are so incredible. Let’s all take a page out of her book, shall we?
VIA : http://www.viralnova.com