There seems to be a trend in dining establishments these days where it is a faux pas to put food where it belongs…y’know, on a plate. Chefs are getting more creative with how they serve their dishes and plates are a thing of yesteryear it would appear.
One man is standing up to the ludicrous “plating” of food these days with his website and Twitter account, We Want Plates. Ross McGinnes came up with the idea after he saw his friend post a picture of a steak on a cutting board. McGinnes believes that people are falling for “style-over-content nonsense” — instead of paying attention to how good to food tastes, were focusing on how it’s served.
People can tweet their most wacky food plating experiences to @WeWantPlates.
A reminder to all as America celebrates #NationalBeerDay: beer goes in these. Not bacon, trifle, chips or sausages.
— We Want Plates (@WeWantPlates) April 7, 2016
McGinnes then shares the best pics, complete with snarky comments about the presentation.
Breakfast in a surgical tray. Beans in a glass. Bread on a #bumpaddle. Chef in a headlock.
(Pic: @ThatDamnYank)— We Want Plates (@WeWantPlates) April 3, 2016
Some of the “platings” are just downright ridiculous, like this one where onion rings hang from a pipe.
Because why wouldn’t you want onion rings hanging on salvage from the restaurant’s bathroom refit? (Pic: @FSekeleni)
— We Want Plates (@WeWantPlates) December 6, 2015
The last place I want my food is in a shoe.
“Chef, The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse have arrived, they’ve ordered the tempura shoe to share.”
(Pic: @eeketht)— We Want Plates (@WeWantPlates) March 28, 2016
Understandably so, people are becoming fed up with the ridiculousness of these new plating ideas.
This contraption is officially used to:
Hang bananas ✔️
Hang kebabs ✔️
Hang buckets of scampi ❌(Pic: @jill_wood)
— We Want Plates (@WeWantPlates) October 23, 2015
The main point of this crusade is to bring back normal plates and to stop with all the nonsense.
Coleslaw in a shopping trolley. The end of the world is nigh.
(Pic: @bobgranleese)— We Want Plates (@WeWantPlates) February 26, 2016
I mean seriously, this looks gross.
Zaza Restaurant, Panama 😐
(Pic: @StuartHelmer)— We Want Plates (@WeWantPlates) November 21, 2015
A shovel? Come on!
Barcelona: Catalonia’s capital of gastronomy, where they stick your breakfast on a shovel.
(Pic: @garethlangston)— We Want Plates (@WeWantPlates) February 10, 2016
"Hi. We've booked a table for three."
"No, three."
"Would a table for tree be a problem?"
(Pic: @Wkhanye_)— We Want Plates (@WeWantPlates) January 13, 2016
"What's the soup of the day?"
"Cream of wild mushroom, with a hint of insole and corn plaster."
(Pic: @simonraess)— We Want Plates (@WeWantPlates) January 30, 2016
"The starter lacks something, chef."
"Huge log?"
"Bingo!"(Pic: @amontonacosas)
— We Want Plates (@WeWantPlates) October 24, 2015
(via Uproxx)
Will you join this cause? Do you think that it’s a cause worth fighting for? Share your thoughts in the comments and we’ll get to the bottom of this plate vs. no plate debate!