Looking to save a bit of money for a summer trip? Of course you are. We all are.
And the best way to do it is to start small. Although it’s easy to think, “Okay, if I buy fewer shoes this month, I’ll save X amount of money after four weeks,” saving money starts with changing everyday behaviors. Do you end up throwing out a few veggies here and there? Do you grab a latte from Starbucks on your way to work every morning? You’re not alone! Just by doing things like becoming one with your freezer or changing your morning routine, you can save hundreds in the long run.
Here are 62 tips to help get you started!
1. Cut down on Starbucks runs to save anywhere from $15 to $100 per month.
2. Make your own coffee house drinks instead.
3. Making dinner at home instead of eating out saves between $150 and $200 per month.
4. And packing a lunch every day can help you save between $40 and $200.
5. Buy produce in season and then freeze fruit for smoothies or dehydrate it.
6. Set a grocery budget, make a grocery list, and stick to them!
7. Make your own bread to save $15 a month.
8. Make breakfast for dinner.
9. Grow your own vegetable garden.
10. Only shop organic for the dirty dozen.
11. Freeze leftovers.
12. Get into canning.
13. Stock up when you find a deal.
14. Buy a quarter or side of beef.
15. Get produce from local farms.
16. Make your own taco seasoning.
17. Make your own almond, cashew, hemp, rice, or coconut milk.
18. Make your own yogurt.
19. Buy whole chickens instead of parts.
20. Use Pinterest to find new recipes.
21. Take advantage of price match guarantees.
22. Shop organic at Costco.
23. Stop buying lottery tickets.
24. Buy discounted movie tickets, theme park tickets, and restaurant gift cards at Costco.
25. Be content with the money you’re bringing in right now.
26. Learn about money management.
27. Don’t carry a credit card balance so you can save about $30 a month.
28. If you have trouble dealing with credit, opt for cash or debit.
29. Pay off debt as quickly as possible.
30. Use your tax refund to give you a boost
31. Make a budget that covers just about everything from entertainment to food.
32. Shop for gift wrap at the dollar store.
33. Keep it simple when you have company over.
34. Decorate for parties with what you already have.
35. Pack food for breakfast and snacks on vacation.
36. Take the bus, ride your bike, or walk instead of driving. This can save between $30 and $400 per month.
37. Carpool.
38. Commit to being a one-car family to save an average of $400 every month.
39. Save money on gas by getting all your errands done at once.
40. Make sure tires are properly inflated to save $30 a month.
41. Drive the speed limit to save a few bucks.
42. Do your own car maintenance.
43. Keep your eyes peeled for better car insurance rates.
44. Quit smoking to save hundreds of dollars a month.
45. Cancel that gym membership in the summer and exercise outside.
46. Quit coloring your hair.
47. Save manicures and pedicures for special occasions.
48. Use in-network providers for healthcare to save between $30 and $120 a month.
49. Use cloth diapers instead of disposable ones.
50. Try out cloth baby wipes instead of throwing a bunch out.
51. Buy gender neutral baby clothes and gear. That way, you can use them for any other bundles of joy who come along!
52. Switch to cloth napkins so you can save money and look extra fancy.
53. In fact, you can make your own cloth napkins.
54. Do your own home maintenance.
55. Shop for better deals on health and life insurance, and always bundle when you can!
56. Move to a cheaper, more efficient home.
57. Downsize when the time is right.
58. Do your own yard work.
59. Replace plastic bags with reusable food containers.
60. Make your own laundry detergent.
61. Sign up for free samples.
62. Make your own cleaning supplies.
See? That’s not so hard, is it? Most of these changes are so small, they won’t even feel like sacrifices.
(via Growing Slower)

VIA : http://www.viralnova.com